I’m a freelance narrative and visual journalist, born in Chile and raised in the United States. I’ve lived and traveled extensively in the U.S., Chile and Mexico. I’m the Video Producer for Austin Community College’s Student Affairs Communications office.

Most recently, I worked at Baylor University as a Multimedia Specialist producing videos and stills for the Marketing and Communications Division. I’m currently based in Austin, Texas.

I worked as the Communications Director for The Alexia Foundation for World Peace during 2015. I worked as a staff member of Foundry Photojournalism Workshops from 2008-2017.

During graduate school at the University of North Texas, I worked under the mentorship of Thorne Anderson as his graduate assistant. After graduation, I’ve worked as assistant instructor for the Heart of Mexico international journalism study abroad class, serving as visuals instructor, web designer, content editor and translator.

You can find my work with Getty Images, Hartford Courant, German Press Agency dpa, La Tercera (Chile), Las Ultimas Noticias (Chile), Delta Air Lines’ SKY and Korean Air’s Morning Calm magazines. In 2010, I worked for the government of Chile’s press office as assistant to Hugo Infante and photographed the rescue of the 33 miners.

In 2012, I attended the XXV Eddie Adams Workshop on Team Lilac.

I received a Bachelors in Fine Arts in Photography from the University of Connecticut (2004) and a Masters in Journalism from the University of North Texas (2013).

I speak English and Spanish fluently.


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